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"Before Shaheen came along, there was no Hawaii garment industry. There were mom and pop stores but no real modern industry," Linda Arthur, a professor of textiles and clothing at Washington State University said.

By 1959, the year Hawaii became a state, he had more than 400 employees working for him and was grossing more than $4 million a year as the major player in the islands' garment industry.



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I'm currently working towards a Brillo Bush with Queen's Brigade aspirations. See also, World Beard and Moustache Championships. 18x20 poster print available via Blockquote via boing boing...
Wondermark's latest print, the "Hierarchy of Beards," depicts the evolutionary history of luxuriant face-fur.



Via Sounds.Butter



Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper? Link via





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