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Circa 1929 (Revere Beach, MA). Link & blockquote via's Lions & Ladies (See also Honey Badger: The Most Fearless Animal on Earth & Honey Badgers, Ladies, & Motor Drome Riding...
My name is Sam. I ride a 1931 101 Indian Scout motocycle on the side of a 90 degrees (straight up & down) wooden barrel board wall. It is the sport of motor drome riding, more commonly known as the "Thrillarena" or "Wall of Death". I have been a drome rider for most of my life and have had the priviledge of riding 11 different dromes...2 of which were in Europe - 1 for the Varanne Family (from France) on a German Drome (Pitt’s Todeswand), and the other their Drome in France! Presently I ride for Jay Lightnin’& the American Motor Drome. Herein you will experience the rich history of motor drome riding, told both in pictures and stories. Included are walls, riders and sites from around the world! This site is dedicated to the memory of my mentor and savior, Sonny Pelaquin, who took me off the street, taught me to ride and to laugh... and gave me my wonderful life- high on the wall! (“There can never be too many motor dromes!” - Sonny Pelaquin)



Click to enlarge (also on Flickr). See also, The Greatest Generation, Kuzmak Home Movies (Part1), Kuzmak Home Movies (Part2), Pop, and Pop (Reprise).



In my professional opinion, it would have been a 30 sec Photoshop job at best. But pretty freakin' cool if not. Link & bloquote via
So now we know what's at the end of the rainbow - and it's not a pot of gold. Instead it meets the northbound carriageway of the Highway 241 toll road in Orange County, California. And according to witnesses it was travelling at just over 30mph. This amazing picture was snapped last Sunday, following a storm on the west coast of the US, by amateur photographer Jason Erdkamp's iPhone. According to myth there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, perhaps hidden by leprechauns. But Jason, from the Los Angeles suburb of Lake Forest, said: "There was no pot of gold, but I did win $25 that night on a lottery ticket."



Clickto enlarge...



Reminded me of the news clippings Uncle John use to send us in the mail. Link via
[Photographed by] an urban explorer who gets thrills rummaging through and photographing the ruins of Detroit. It turns out that this explorer last week was playing hockey with a group of other explorers on the frozen waters that had collected in the basement of the building. None of the men called the police, the explorer said. They, in fact, continued their hockey game.





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Think I'm going to start a website called "let me adjust the levels on that pic for you" in the spirit of Let me google that for you.

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