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Blockquote via Holy Taco. The skinny via
Aside from the fact that ol’ Kittiwat is a probably a child-murdering weirdo, I have to hand it to him for his realistic-looking body part bread. But, I wonder if making food that resembles things you don’t want to look at—let alone eat—is really the best business decision. Since his family makes their livelihood on selling their bread, this is how I imagine most conversations with his father sound like:

Dad: Hey Kittiwat, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a second.

Kittiwat: Not now. Making deformity.

Dad: Yeah, that’s actually what I wanted to discuss. Those bread sculptures are very realistic, son. But people aren’t really into eating…ya know, gruseome-looking body parts.

Kittiwat: What? Who say?

Dad: Well, people like to look at your disgusting creations, but they don’t really buy them. We have no money left for flour. Your sister starved to death last night and now she looks like one of your sculptures. The funeral is tomorrow.

Kittiwat: I take corpse. Use for model. Make more bread.

Dad: I hate you, Kittiwat.




While his meatscapes were the initial draw, I think I'm diggin' Lampert's agitprop (learned a new word today) and machine-animal collages more. All via
Nicolas Lampert is an interdisciplinary artist and author based out of Milwaukee and Chicago. Primarily, he is best known for his collage art - the “machine-animal” series, the “meatscape” series and numerous images that address political and environmental issues.



Ok. It's definitely been done before. But, as far as I am concerned, not to this level of detail (sampling textures from the likes of Steven W. Bailey, Rush Limbaugh, some dude who looks awfully familiar but I just can't place right now, Steve Mariucci, and Terry O'Quinn). Skinny via Pixeloo. Blockquote via Holy Taco.
I’d like to thank the weirdo computer robot nerd genius that made this. You’ve somehow managed to horrify me and turn me on at the same time. I think I have a new fetish.



Link via Auto Blog. BTW, that monitor of yours isn't going to clean itself.
As a kid there was nothing like dragging your finger across the dirty back window of your mom's minivan. Imagine lifting your finger to find you've created a Mona Lisa on the rear glass. Scott Wade of San Marcos, TX is perhaps the only person who could say he's done this.






Via Jan...


Austrailian artist Stelarc — formerly Stelios Arcadiou — spent 10 long years searching for a surgeon willing to perform a controversial operation to implant a third ear onto his forearm ‘in the name of art,’ which was created in a lab from human cartilage. [Stelarc] hope[s] to have a tiny microphone implanted to it that will connect with a Bluetooth transmitter. That way you can listen to what [his] ear is hearing.”



Via great imagination...



So true.
The old SST days of Raymond Pettibon scrawling concert posters for Sonic Youth, Black Flag, and the Minutemen are long gone. As are the days of Coop and others doing their colorful mini-masterpieces. Which is why this poster of Lindsay Lohan in an alley is not just brutal, and funny, but a return to biting social commentary in rock posters. - vango

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