 The Roost | Wiffle Ball Stats






(my disclaimer)



Andrew B once drove us and his mom's Infiniti at 55 MPH over this launch ramp/road in Bernardsville, NJ. It took us 3 trials to get the balls to do so...but when we did, we were like...and then were like...and then we noticed the foot long crack running up and down the center of the windshield. Afterwards, I think we told his mom that a very, very large rock hit it on our way to the mall. It could have turned out different, but for a moment I felt like this kid.



I grew up on a culdesac (Stark Circle) in Yardley, PA. Just about every kid on the block had a big wheel. We use to build ramps, put rocks in the tires (after the handbrake had worn them down), and when the time came, we'd put them out of their misery w/ round or two of demolition derby. Then we'd beg our parents to buy us news ones so we could start the whole process all over again...

See also, Meeker Road.



God dammit, Carl. Play practice wouldn't have been the same without you and your God damn sister Becky chasing us God damn kids out of your God damn store! God damn going to miss you...

- Operation: Little People, 1987-1989



...a.k.a. my college doodles. For what it's worth, the majority of these doodles have musical and/or lyrical accompaniments (see Quinn & Levy's Greatest Hits) which catalog my trials and tribulations (a.k.a. me loosing my fucking mind) while living in Olney section of Philly (see Living in the Ghetto). Click the image above to view a slideshow via Flickr...







Fact: In 1992, nicknames like "Spictor" (good guy, btw) were so controversial that no one thought twice about it being published in the yearbook.

Recently, a friend/colleague was forced into early retirement for using the word "mammy" while passing a piece of paper to another colleague. I had to look it up myself, but baby boomer's and beyond know it as the following.

To be fair, she is old enough to know what she was saying and she was never known for having the greatest filter in or out of the office. But also to be fair, one of her most trusted confidants (25 years and counting) is black and she spent the last 25 years serving an underprivileged, inner-city community for which she truly cared.

I say this: if her accuser really believes she meant prejudice, fine. It sucks we live in the world we live for both the accused and the accuser. But if the accuser used this slip of the tongue to end the career of the accused just because she simply didn't like her? Well, at least I have cleared my conscience, beotch.

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