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Collection of hand drawn (750 & counting...) animated GIFs (000.gif thru 023.gif pictured above) via



Link via
Fiona Thomson re-visits iconic 19th century forms and adds a modern twist by utilizing simple technologies to create and adapt products for use in the 21st century. Recently unveiled at the New Designers event in London, each of her works cleverly transforms ornamental objects into a functional and useful object.





Blockquote via
An organic sculptural landmark that responds to human interaction and expresses context awareness using hundreds of sensors and over 15,000 individually addressable optical fibers. Constructed of carbon glass, spanning over four meters, and containing more than 65 kilometers of fiber optics, the Cloud encourages visitors to touch and interact with information in new ways, manifesting emotions and behavior through sound and a dichotomy of luminescence and darkness.






Hair Hat exhibition via



A lot of THC, I mean TLC, went into this. Enjoy (I did)! Link via BLU. Blockquote via Geekologie...
This is an artistic stop motion video made entirely of wall paintings. It's pretty damn impressive. It made me kind of motion sick, but that was a small price to pay for the incredible awesomeness. A freaking ton of time, effort and ability went into this piece. Almost as much as my last artistic venture, which was a can of orange juice concentrate I glued popsicle sticks to and wrote on in puffy paint. I gave it to my mom for Mother's Day. I tried calling her to see if she liked it, but I think she's blocked my number.





Hey moms & dads, Fickr is not only a great place to archive photos...



Link via Japan Probe (Thanks, Catfish!)...
A group of performers uses bandages to act out famous movie scenes. The movies depicted in their act are

1. James Bond
2. Jaws
3. Titanic
4. E.T.
5. Back to the Future
6. The Magnificent Seven
7. Always Sancho-me no Yu-hi

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