
Via hurwittgraphics.com


Illustrator Pierrette Diaz and painter Richard N’Go created this artwork series for a 2008 advertising campaign for French children’s television channel Tiji TV. The campaign created by advertising agency DDB Paris was titled “Tiji TV as imaginative as children” and humorously shows the world through the eyes of children.


See also, Colonel-Claypools-Fearless-Flying-Brigade's Live Frogs: Set 2.


Via Lishoffs (flickr)...



See also, Tiny Art Director: Another Great Idea I Missed the Boat On!


That is, if I could actually draw. Link via Bill Zeman's Print Shop. Blockquote via Boing Boing. Or purchase a copy via Barnes & Noble...
See also, Bringing Children's Drawings to Life.
People who don't have children sometimes complain that kids are narcissistic, sociopathic little terrors. But any parent will tell you that is an unfair assessment. They are also messy, noisy, whining, and germy.
That's why, as a parent, I loved Tiny Art Director, a new book by artist Bill Zeman. Based on Zeman's funny blog of the same name, Tiny Art Director contains images that Zeman's (now five-year-old) daughter Rosie asked him to paint. Rosie's briefs are hilarious: "A sick crocodile." "A bone dinosaur eating a baby." "A cat killing a rat." "A dragon sneaking up on a girl. She's picking flowers." Each image includes commentary from Rosie (aka, the tiny art director) that reveals her to be as fussy, capricious, self-contradictory, and bossy as many grown up art directors I know.




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