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Blockquote via Holy Taco. The skinny via
Aside from the fact that ol’ Kittiwat is a probably a child-murdering weirdo, I have to hand it to him for his realistic-looking body part bread. But, I wonder if making food that resembles things you don’t want to look at—let alone eat—is really the best business decision. Since his family makes their livelihood on selling their bread, this is how I imagine most conversations with his father sound like:

Dad: Hey Kittiwat, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a second.

Kittiwat: Not now. Making deformity.

Dad: Yeah, that’s actually what I wanted to discuss. Those bread sculptures are very realistic, son. But people aren’t really into eating…ya know, gruseome-looking body parts.

Kittiwat: What? Who say?

Dad: Well, people like to look at your disgusting creations, but they don’t really buy them. We have no money left for flour. Your sister starved to death last night and now she looks like one of your sculptures. The funeral is tomorrow.

Kittiwat: I take corpse. Use for model. Make more bread.

Dad: I hate you, Kittiwat.












Holy shnikies!
There are few mountain tourist trails as dangerous as the above pictured route on Mt. Hua in China’s Shaanxi Province. Not only does much of the trail consist of narrow footpaths and extremely steep staircases, but there are also a few sections where hikers must scale across cliffs on a rusty chain and some foot-sized holes chiseled in the rock. There’s even a place where one must descend a 20 meter chain to reach the continuation of the trail!


Austrailian artist Stelarc — formerly Stelios Arcadiou — spent 10 long years searching for a surgeon willing to perform a controversial operation to implant a third ear onto his forearm ‘in the name of art,’ which was created in a lab from human cartilage. [Stelarc] hope[s] to have a tiny microphone implanted to it that will connect with a Bluetooth transmitter. That way you can listen to what [his] ear is hearing.”





What a pisser! Demo via
P-Mate is a portable urinating device that allows women to urinate standing up wherever and whenever they need to, without losing their dignity or risking unhygienic and unpleasant public restrooms. P-Mate is a portable urinating device that allows women to urinate standing up wherever and whenever they need to, without losing their dignity or risking unhygienic and unpleasant public restrooms.



See also, Google map view. Blockquote via Wikipedia...
The airport is famous for its short runway — at only 2,433 metres (7,980 ft),[9] it is barely long enough for heavy jets to land. Therefore, incoming airplanes approaching the island on short final for Runway 10 have to fly extremely low, passing only 10-20 meters (30-60 ft.) over relaxing tourists on Maho Beach. Pictures of low flying aircraft were published in several news magazines worldwide in the early 2000 and looked so unreal that some were even disputed as fakes. The thrilling approaches and ease of access for shooting spectacular images made the airport one of the world favorites place among planespotters. To meet international and local regulations a 150 meter safety extension was required.

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