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Via Ex-Porn Pictures...



While we're on the topic of aging, Color War's "Youngme - Nowme" competition has produced some fascinating (and frightening) results. Silver medal winners pictured above. Link via Color Wars 2008...
1) Find a picture of when you were very little.

2) Submit that picture to http://www.twitter/colorwarsubmit

3) Submit by replying to @colorwarsubmit with the word "youngme" and a link to the image - for example "@colorwarsubmit youngme http://yoururl" (you can also direct message colorwarsubmit with the word youngme and the link)

4) Then try to recreate that pose and picture as best you can with the current you.

5) Keep it simple! Try not to use photoshop, unless you want to adjust colors, get as close as you can with the pic itself - your pose and face are what really matter.

6) Submit by replying to @colorwarsubmit with the word "nowme" and a link to the image - for example "@colorwarsubmit nowme http://yoururl"(you can also direct message colorwarsubmit with the word nowme and the link)




NAMBLA propaganda? Or next interweb sensation? Man as babies, and vice versa via



Via Stuff White People Like...
Because white tastes in shoes can change so quickly, it’s not recommended that you ever talk to a white person about shoes. Over the years they have embraced (and eventually disowned) Uggs, Birkenstocks, Earth Shoes, and most recently Crocs. If it’s popular, the chances are that the clock is ticking down to it’s imminent doom. One mention of your affinity for selected footwear could undo all of your hard work.

There is, however, one exception: New Balance running shoes. All white people own a pair! Seriously, next time you are at a casual party where guests are encouraged to take off their shoes take a look by the door at the veritable rainbow of New Balance sneakers.




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