 The Roost | Wiffle Ball Stats




Mike Leonard, author & Today Show contributing correspondent, shares a mutual obsession with wiffleball. Blockquote via Camp Jinx...
Doc Schwartz wasn't available so I had to go it alone, a do-it-yourself psychiatry session that ultimately failed to exorcize the wiffle ball demon that had wormed his way into my soul.









Feel the awesome! Muxtape is a new online service that allows you to upload Mp3s that can be streamed via the interweb to all your groovy friends! And for more information how making a mix tape can change you life, see also How to Make the Perfect Mix Tape...

Upddate 9/26/08: Muxtape Is Dead - Favtape Emerges as a Great Alternative





If Donnie doesn't happen to be your cup of tea, try getting spoonfed with PSDTUTS' tutorials. Their Best of the Web roundups are a great place to start.
PSDTUTS is a blog/photoshop site made to house and showcase some of the best Photoshop tutorials around. We publish tutorials that not only produce great graphics and effects, but explain in a friendly, approachable manner.



While his meatscapes were the initial draw, I think I'm diggin' Lampert's agitprop (learned a new word today) and machine-animal collages more. All via
Nicolas Lampert is an interdisciplinary artist and author based out of Milwaukee and Chicago. Primarily, he is best known for his collage art - the “machine-animal” series, the “meatscape” series and numerous images that address political and environmental issues.



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