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World's Greatest Dad (a DARK, dark dramody) is one of the best films I have seen in a long time..



Sign of the times (and yes, it's getting that bad). Blockquote and list via Mashable...
Crude oil prices keep breaking through record high prices, and it is quickly reflecting itself at the fuel pumps. About the only thing you can do is try to find the cheapest prices, but you can waste as much in gas driving around as you will by finding it, and that’s where gas pricing location sites come in handy. Just log in and see where the best prices are, and save yourself all of that driving around. We’ve covered the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom for you, so start price hunting!



As @savecolumbuscir and the Bergen Record (review below) can testify, the Smoke Chophouse and Cigar Emporium (grandfathered in after NJ passed the Smoke-Free Air Act) is a breath of fresh air. Just pray you never have to take a shit there...
Ah, the Nineties, when men are men and women smoke cigars, where a neat 21-year old single malt scotch is at home with a rare 42-ounce prime aged porterhouse steak and the Yankee game on the television over the bar is as much a tradition as the tune of “Route 66” emanating from the baby grand in the jazz lounge downstairs.

Enter the 60-seat world of Smoke Chophouse & Cigar Emporium in Englewood. As the name implies, it’s a restaurant that encourages smoking, and while the state-of-the-art ventilation system changed the air six times an hour, guests are still saturated with the lingering odor of cigars.



Via the best URL in the universe...
No, I'm not going to get an iPhone, quit emailing me about it. I'm not getting one because I already have a phone that's better: it's called the Nokia E70, it's the pinnacle of human achievement, and I love it more than my family see pic above)

You've probably never heard of the E70 because Nokia's marketing team is busy finding every last dick in the universe to suck, so I'm going to do their job for them and tell you about this product. And no, I'm not being paid to do this. I'm just tired of the iPhone fanboys shooting huge sticky wads and high-fiving each other (literally) over their stupid cellphones.

First of all, the E70 has a full keyboard, not some shitty stripped down, tap-and-pray smudgy piece of shit. Nokia uses a technology that's even more advanced than the iPhone's tap screen, allowing you to actually feel the keys you press as you're pressing them! The technology is called "tactile response," and it allows you to do things like dial a phone number without staring at your screen like a shit-chucking ape. In fact, every other cellphone ever made has this technology, sometimes called "buttons."



Suck level (1-10): 10

If my FiOS hadn't been disconnected (and I wasn't half way to Candy Mountain), I would have pulled the plug on this chick flick before my testicles had the chance to shrivel up like a couple of raisins. Fellas, if you think watching this with your lady friend will get you some sexy time, think again—you will pay the price. Jack Black, shame on you! Cameron Diaz, you were funnier in Gangs of New York. Jude Law, try not to be prettier than your leading lady next time around. Kate Winslet, you made the most out of a bad situation, but come on now! You're a five time Academy Award-nominated Emmy Award-nominated BAFTA, Grammy and Screen Actors Guild Award winning English actress, not a studio whore...



OK. I exaggerate. More like a VW. But a great keyboard nevertheless. Also available via Amazon.

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