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News to me. Link via Digital Inspiration.
Some useful information. Your Windows XP computer is more safe if you don’t set any password at all than using some weak password like "abc123" which can be easily guessed by hackers.



Personally, I'm still partial to Regal Weaver...
We've been getting a ton of press at Worth1000 over our Ultimate Celebrity contest, where the goal is to take the best physical features of multiple celebrities and merge them into one super celebrity. One of the requests we got from a prominent newspaper was to prove that Aviary (a web app) could really be used to create an ultimate celebrity. Piece of cake.

This time around Aviary's resident plastic surgeon Meowza performs illegal skin grafts on Catherine Zeta-Jones, Keira Knightly, Angelina Jolie and Charlize Theron, creating the beautiful Catheinize Zightly-Jeliens. I hope his malpractice insurance is paid up.


This scene can be seen @ Google Maps. Thanks to the nice find, Kozuik. Click on the image to the location.



There are also two applications (Desktop Earth 2 for PC users & OSXplanet 1.0.1 for Mac users) that will set these images real time as desktop wallpaper. (link via
Watch the sun rise and set all over the world on this real-time, computer-generated illustration of the earth's patterns of sunlight and darkness. The clouds are updated every 3 hours with current weather satellite imagery.



I thought pot was a Gateway drug? Link via Engadget...
Oh, how the mighty have fallen: Ben Curtis, famous just a few years ago as "Steven the Dell Dude," is now a waiter / bartender at Tortilla Flats in New York. Although the Steven ads were hugely popular and generated tons of buzz (and revenue) for Dell, the company eventually dropped the campaign after Ben got arrested for buying pot in 2003 -- shocking no one who actually watched the commercials, but apparently not the message Dell wanted to send the parents fronting the cash for all those machines.



A great roundup of "hacker" Firefox extensions via Dark Reading...



If everyone spent a minute or two watching Dogpile's real-time list of unfiltered search terms, we might see even more red states in '08. Google fanboys and girls, see Google Hot Trends...



Via the best URL in the universe...
No, I'm not going to get an iPhone, quit emailing me about it. I'm not getting one because I already have a phone that's better: it's called the Nokia E70, it's the pinnacle of human achievement, and I love it more than my family see pic above)

You've probably never heard of the E70 because Nokia's marketing team is busy finding every last dick in the universe to suck, so I'm going to do their job for them and tell you about this product. And no, I'm not being paid to do this. I'm just tired of the iPhone fanboys shooting huge sticky wads and high-fiving each other (literally) over their stupid cellphones.

First of all, the E70 has a full keyboard, not some shitty stripped down, tap-and-pray smudgy piece of shit. Nokia uses a technology that's even more advanced than the iPhone's tap screen, allowing you to actually feel the keys you press as you're pressing them! The technology is called "tactile response," and it allows you to do things like dial a phone number without staring at your screen like a shit-chucking ape. In fact, every other cellphone ever made has this technology, sometimes called "buttons."



The best thing about this pimped out chess game is that you actually have shot at winning.
The chess playing engine is designed to be at the same level as the average viewer of the piece. If you're a tournament chess player, you would clobber most casual players--and you'll clobber Thinking Machine 4 too. If you barely remember the rules of the game, the artwork may clobber you instead. The chess engine we built is simple and uses only basic algorithms from the 50s (alpha-beta pruning and quiescence search). The program's unconventional initial moves may raise eyebrows among experts: we did not give it an "opening book" of standard lines since we wanted it to think through every position.

The goal of the piece is not to make an expert chess playing program but to lay bare the complex thinking that underlies all strategic thought.


The Consumerist's 3-month sting operation snared a Geek Squad technician stealing porn from our hard drive, and we've got the work-safe video and logfiles to prove it.

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